10 Easy Ways To Go Greener At Home

Greenville, SC was featured on the Guide to America’s 10 Greenest Cities on the Hertz Travel Blog. Whether you are looking for an outdoor adventure, a long stroll along the Swamp Rabbit Trail or a fresh juice at Southern Pressed Juicery, there really is something for everyone and quite a few of these things are considered eco-friendly. We have compiled a list of 10 easy ways you can go greener in your own home and help keep our state beautiful.

  • Buy and eat locally. With the amount of delicious farm-to-table eateries in Downtown Greenville, it should be no task to support our local restaurants and Farmer’s Markets. Some of our favorite farm-to-table restaurants include the Swamp Rabbit Cafe & Grocery, Roost and Bacon Bros.

  • Plant an herb garden. Not only is this super easy, it is a great reminder of where our food comes from. Plants can be great decor additions and are wonderful air purifiers!

  • Buy an inexpensive reusable water bottle and stop buying plastic water bottles.

  • Always turn off lights when leaving a room. (It helps keep your power bill down, too.)

  • Pay your bills online and say goodbye to that annoying stack of mail.

  • Make your own household cleaners.

  • Unplug unused chargers.

  • Repurpose glass jars as leftover containers and storage.

  • Purchase a reusable grocery bag instead of getting plastic at the store.

  • Use paper less and recycle more.